Monthly Archives: June 2016

USDA Announces Partnership With Honey Bee Organizations

USDA Announces Partnership With Honey Bee Organizations

Last week, scientists, educators and legislators came together to discuss the plight of the honey bee during the eighth annual National Pollinator Week. All over the country, people met to learn more about pollinators and brainstorm new ways to protect their habitats from destruction.   In observance of this important yearly event, the USDA revealed… Continue Reading

More than 1,000 Hives Were Stolen in California This Year

More than 1,000 Hives Were Stolen in California This Year

Every year, beekeepers from all over the country send hives to California to pollinate the Golden State’s many almond orchards. It takes millions of beehives to support the pollination needs of California’s almond growers, and each one of these hives costs $200 a piece. Now, the bee brokers who arrange contracts between beekeepers and farmers… Continue Reading