Break the Fast with Honey Cake


Yesterday Yom Kippur passed marking the ending of the holiest day of the year for the Jewish people. Traditionally, Jews observe this holy day with a 25-hour period of fasting and intensive prayer.  Yom Kippur has many traditions and observances. Leviticus 16:29 calls it the Sabbath of Sabbaths and a day upon which one must afflict one’s soul. As a result, many of the traditions require hard choices and sacrifices.  Five prohibitions are traditionally observed.


  1. No eating and drinking
  2. No wearing of leather shoes
  3. No bathing or washing
  4. No anointing oneself with perfumes or lotions
  5. No marital relations


Total abstention from food and drink usually begins 20 minutes before sundown, and ends after nightfall the following day. Although the fast is required of all healthy adults over 12 or 13, it is waived in the case of certain medical conditions. Unlike other Jewish holidays where rituals and celebrations involve feasts and food, Yom Kippur is different in that it requires abstinence.  Breaking the fast however is a chance to treat yourself and enjoy the sacrifice you have made.  A delicious sweet tasting honey cake is one of our favorite ways to break the fast.  If you don’t already have one you can find a recipe online quickly and easily.  Most require a few cups of honey.  We recommend using any one of our honey products for a naturally sweet and delicious tasting cake.


Whether this year or next year give yourself a nice delight after showing the dedication you have to your faith.


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