Category Archives: Allergy Relief

It’s National Honey Month at Marshall’s!

It’s National Honey Month at Marshall’s!

National Honey Month has arrived! That means we’ll be spending this entire month celebrating our favorite, sweet, delicious natural honey – homegrown and made right here in California Did you know that there are over 300 varieties of honey found in the United States alone?   Here at Marshall’s, we’ve taken a handcrafted approach to… Continue Reading

Research Provides New Insight Into Health Benefits of Honey

Research Provides New Insight Into Health Benefits of Honey

Beekeepers have long understood that the honey produced by their winged workers is more than just a sweet treat, but now scientists are finally listening up and taking note of the remarkable properties of honey as well. Studies at a number of leading research universities have found that honey harbors all sorts of potential health… Continue Reading

Allergy Season is in Full Swing – Give the Gift of Honey

Allergy Season is in Full Swing – Give the Gift of Honey

  As a California resident who suffers from allergies, you truly know the struggle that arises throughout January with the distribution of pollen. The tree pollination is in full swing, leaving many miserable for days or weeks. The pollen that comes from trees native to the west coast stays airborne which makes daily activities very… Continue Reading