Category Archives: Honey Products

Federal Agents Seize 60 Tons of Illegally Imported Honey

Federal Agents Seize 60 Tons of Illegally Imported Honey

When you hear about Homeland Security agents seizing illegal shipments at airports, the first things that probably come to mind are drugs, weapons and maybe the occasional exotic pet. Last month in Chicago, however, federal agents confiscated 60 tons of something a little sweeter than they’re used to. On April 28, authorities with the U.S.… Continue Reading

Why Store-Bought Honey Isn’t Always Honey

Why Store-Bought Honey Isn’t Always Honey

Anyone who’s had the pleasure of tasting pure, raw honey knows that store-bought alternatives just aren’t the same. According to the FDA, that’s because roughly three-quarters of the honey you find in grocery stores has been so thoroughly filtered and pasteurized that it simply isn’t honey anymore. In an article in the Huffington Post, Richard… Continue Reading

Research Provides New Insight Into Health Benefits of Honey

Research Provides New Insight Into Health Benefits of Honey

Beekeepers have long understood that the honey produced by their winged workers is more than just a sweet treat, but now scientists are finally listening up and taking note of the remarkable properties of honey as well. Studies at a number of leading research universities have found that honey harbors all sorts of potential health… Continue Reading