Tag Archives: Neonicotinoid Pesticides

Honeybee Researcher Argues the USDA is stifling His Work

Honeybee Researcher Argues the USDA is stifling His Work

Jonathan Lundgren is an entomologist and senior researcher who has worked for the USDA’s Agriculture Research Service for the last 11 years. Now, he is on a two week suspension after filing a whistleblower complaint against the USDA that alleges the organization has impeded his research into the effects of neonicotinoid pesticides on pollinators.  … Continue Reading

Students Develop Probiotics to Protect Bees from Pesticides

Students Develop Probiotics to Protect Bees from Pesticides

If you’ve been following our blog, you may remember that back in August we wrote about the devastating impact neonicotinoid pesticides have had on honeybee colonies. Research has demonstrated that these pesticides, which are derived from nicotine, compromise the nervous systems of bees and make it difficult from them to navigate effectively. Worse yet, bees… Continue Reading

Nicotine Addiction is Compromising Honey Bee Colonies

Nicotine Addiction is Compromising Honey Bee Colonies

The negative effects of nicotine addiction in humans are well understood in the scientific community, but its impact on honeybees is only just recently coming to light. Scientists have been trying to identify a conclusive cause for Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) for years now, and the latest suspect is a class of pesticides derived from… Continue Reading